
Holly Herzberg -  Superintendent and Director of Assessment 

Students in grades 3-8 (last school year) took the NSCAS (Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System) state assessment last March through May 2022.  The state of Nebraska calculates cut scores to determine proficiencies during the summer months and then sends individual student reports to local districts.   Your son or daughter’s Individual Student Reports (ISR) for NSCAS English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics were sent home on Wednesday, October 12th.  Students who were in grades 5 & 8 last school year 2021-22, will also have an NSCAS Science score on their ISR.  

For more information on how to interpret the results of the Individual Student Report (ISR) please access the link Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System and select the  “Parents/Students” tab at the bottom of the page.  I would also encourage you to stop by the school or call and visit with me anytime regarding your son or daughter’s performance or how to correctly interpret this report.

The 2022-23 budget and tax request was approved by the Board of Education in September.  The new tax requests for each fund include ~ General Fund $2,442,875 ($0.696 levy), the Bond Fund $565,240 ($0.161 levy), and the QCPUF Fund $132,867 ($0.0379). This is a $98,259 total increase in tax asking for ALL funds (3.2%) and a total levy of $0.895 ($0.0144 increase).  I appreciate the board’s commitment to be fiscally responsible to all taxpayers through the budgeting process while at the same time continuing to support the needs of Hampton Public School.